Tutorial 14: Creating a Light Effect in Game Maker
You could demonstrate this effect in a separate room instead of your main playing room. If so, create a button to it on the start screen.
- Create a new object called objLight
- Add a Create event to this object with the following code:
/// @description Create a surface the size of the current room surf = surface_create(room_width, room_height); surface_set_target(surf); draw_clear_alpha(c_black, 0); surface_reset_target();
- Add a Step Step event to this light object and paste this code.
Look out for where the player object and player lazer is referenced in the code below.if (surface_exists(surf)) { surface_set_target(surf); // The following three lines set the 'dark' overlay draw_set_color(c_black); draw_set_alpha(0.8); draw_rectangle(0, 0, room_width, room_height, 0); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); draw_set_color(c_white); // Draw circles in the overlay with your different light sources // Note that I add randomization to the position and radius to mimic a flicker effect //each with statement needs to know what object you are creating the light effect around with (objPlayer) //light on the player draw_circle(x + random_range(-1, 1), y + random_range(-1, 1), 50 + random_range(-1, 1), false); with (objEnemy1)//light on the enemy draw_circle(x + random_range(-1, 1), y + random_range(-1, 1), 50 + random_range(-1, 1), false); with (objPlayerLazer) //if your player lazer has a different name change this //you will need to play with the values inside of here to show your lazer draw_rectangle(x-20,y-40,x+20,y+40,false); // Reset all of your draw stuff gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); draw_set_alpha(1); surface_reset_target(); } else { surf = surface_create(room_width, room_height); surface_set_target(surf); draw_clear_alpha(c_black, 0); surface_reset_target(); }
- Create a Draw End event on the light object, and copy and paste this code into it.
if (!surface_exists(surf)) { surf = surface_create(room_width, room_height); } else { if (view_current == 0) { draw_surface(surf, 0, 0); } }
- In a Room End event, paste this code:
// Clean up the surface memory manually if (surface_exists(surf)) surface_free(surf);
- Drag the light object into a room to test it.
- If you do not want it to be part of your main game room, create a new room for it, and link to it as a bonus room for the start screen
Add With() conditions to the Step Step event if you want to see your enemy lazers
For the step event, you can replace the “black” for white instead. Personally I find the colour white more suiting for my game due to my background colour being bright.